Meditation training at Minazee – how does it work?
Minazee is a place where meditation is taught to physicians, IT experts, and businesspeople alike.

Meditation training at Minazee
You book an appointment at the office. You arrive and are offered: a parking spot, a cozy office, a comfortable chair. The first meeting is a free consultation session which helps us get to know each other as well as learn about your needs and expectations. You tell me what you expect and I tell you if I can help you fulfil your expectations – and how. I work with people who are determined to make changes in their lives. The goal is to awaken your full potential by freeing you from your automatic behaviors that have formed and accompanied you throughout your entire life.
If you decide to work with me, before we start your meditation training, we’ll proceed with examining your brainwaves and vital signs, e.g.: breath, skin conductivity response, heartbeat, to see how your body works as an entire system. Based on the measurements and an interview, I design an individual plan of meditation training, relaxation techniques, and other solutions to help you achieve your goals. The first stage of the process takes 2-3 months. 6 weeks is an absolute minimum for your brain to build new neural connections and make everyday meditation a habit. This is the time during which we implement a meditation training practice in the form of a plan based on your brainwave profile and other vital signs.
Neurofeedback – effectiveness guaranteed
We meet once or twice a week – more frequent meetings are a more advanced variant of treatment, producing better results. During the session you’ll practice meditation adapted to your individual needs neurofeedback – and get the necessary feedback. And here’s where the magic begins. A magic that you’ll be able to see on a screen and hear in speakers.
When you get closer to the desired state of mind during your meditation, the music will be loud. It will get more and more silent as you move away from this state, in turn. How do we know what’s the desired state of mind? The answer lies in the findings of studies conducted among monks who’ve spent even 30,000 hours on meditation. It’s fascinating to see that monks practicing the same style of meditation achieve the same results even if they serve at different monasteries.
This is why feedback can teach you meditation much quicker and easier. Traditional methods require years of practice. And the biggest problem is that it’s actually impossible to verbally explain how to meditate. At Minazee you’ll learn all this in real time – this is what makes the method in question so special and effective.
If you decide to work with me, we’ll start with examining your brainwaves and vital signs, e.g.: breath, skin conductivity response, heartbeat, to see how your body works as an entire system. Based on the measurements and an interview, I design an individual plan of meditation training, relaxation techniques, and other solutions to help you achieve your goals. The first stage of the process takes 2-3 months. 6 weeks is an absolute minimum for your brain to build new neural connections and make everyday meditation a habit. This is the time during which we implement a meditation training practice in the form of a plan based on your brainwave profile and other vital signs.
Minazee – more than technology
Technology alone is not enough – tools are not meditation training. The goal is to teach you how to meditate, not to make you dependent on technology or let you unwind from time to time. That’s why you’ll be supposed to work with audio-based meditation resources between our meetings. The learning process is supported by a range of applications, breathing techniques, and assignments improving your skills, abilities, and perception.
Stage one ends with another brainwave analysis – just like at the very beginning. This will let us view the effects of your work on a screen and see how much of a positive impact neuroplasticity has had on your brain by improving its balance.
About the neuromeditation instructor

Kamila Orlińska
She’s 43 years old and her daily practice involves helping others learn meditation with the use of biofeedback and neurofeedback at her neuromeditation office in Gdańsk. Her unusual, contemporary approach to meditation is a result of her passion for science and technology. She graduated in Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics at Warsaw University of Technology and worked for 15 years for some of the largest multinationals (LG Electronics, NXP Semiconductors, Valeo, Thomson Reuters) as an IT expert and a DevOps consultant. She’s an advocate of practical, reliable, proven solutions, which is why she’s taken her time to improve her training skills at many different training centers abroad (Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain, USA), obtaining a range of prestigious certificates along the way.
“The secret lies in adapting the style of meditation to your own lifestyle and your mind. It took me many years to realize this. Now I help those who learn how to make their spiritual journeys easier, shorter, safer, and – most importantly – beneficial” – says Kamila, making these words guide her in helping her clients become resistant to stress, free their minds from patterns, and making the most of their lives by making conscious use of their resources – time, money, energy.
You can follow her on many platforms, including her Facebook fanpage, her YouTube channel, and LinkedIn her Instagram profile.
About working with Kamila Orlińska
“Kamila is my guide to the world of meditation. I’ve always wanted to experience it but the whole atmosphere around it has kept me somehow away and discouraged. It’s just me, my breath, my body. A one-of-a-kind experience, you know? A total self-immersion, breaking away from this whole mysticism, which I’ve always found problematic.
And practicing natural breathing techniques. Something that has always seemed obvious, but actually isn’t.
Kamila is an exceptional person with great knowledge about the processes that take place in our mind in different situations, like stress, dejection, empathy, joy.
I really recommend it to those who’d like to reach a higher level of their cognition and improve the quality of their lives.”
Joanna Weyna – designer
“The sessions at Kamila Orlińska’s office have given me access to a solid dose of knowledge and to modern equipment that lets you track your progress and understand how to meditate the right way. I’ve learnt first-hand how much of a positive impact can meditation have on my life. I work a lot. I have a technological background and what I find convincing is hard evidence. Minazee is a no-frills space, which I consider a huge plus.
By working with Kamila, I’ve learnt a lot of new things about myself, but I was sure I had it all figured out before I even stepped inside her office. But the most important thing is that this relationship has helped me apply many things I’ve learned in practice in my everyday life. Kamila Orlińska’s approach is all about the right proportions of mobilization, understanding, expectations, and patience.”
Krzysztof Kosowski – entrepreneur
What you get access to in the neuromeditation office - Minazee
An initial analysis of your brainwaves and other vital signs
We start off with measuring the activity of your brainwaves in different areas of the brain and checking how your brain works and switches between various tasks. We also check how your entire bodily system works when you breathe steadily and what your system’s capabilities are in terms of relaxation and resting.
Learning meditation at home with the help of audio files
You get audio files with meditation sessions to practice at home at the very start of our meetings. You’ll be required to practice one of these sessions at home on an everyday basis, but it won’t take too long (around 15 minutes). We will also make use of various relaxation techniques, applications, and other resources.
Making meditation your new habit
The most important thing is to meditate everyday, which is why you’ll have to choose the time of day and the place that will help you make it a regular practice. Apart from that, you’ll also get some assignments to help you make the most of everyday meditation.
Learning meditation with real-time feedback
The knowledge on how your brain works, what are its main habits, and what are the biggest challenges for it will let us determine what kind of meditation you need. Neurofeedback will help you learn better and reach the desired state of mind, which can pose some challenge to your brain.
Assistance in reaching the right state of mind – with additional support
If you find it really difficult to reach the desired state of mind, we can employ a range of solutions to help you. These solutions include: an AVE (Audio-Video Entrainment) headset, a VR headset, a selection of essential oils, the right music – everything adapted to your individual needs combined with a simultaneous measurement of the activity of your brainwaves.
Assignments and instructions to help you benefit from everyday meditation
Home assignments are designed to match what’s most important for you at a given stage of your life: the ability to let go, the ability to motivate yourself, to appreciate pleasure, to manage your time in a better way.
An opportunity to take part in an advanced-level program
After you complete the first stage and after 3-6 months of practicing on your own pass, you get a chance to participate in a more advanced stage, aimed at teaching you how to maintain your inner peace regardless of external factors, of other people’s actions, criticism, or even your inner emotions.
Final measurements – compared to your initial measurements
Stage one ends with another measurement of the activity of your brainwaves, and the results are compared to the initial measurement. This lets us know if the adopted practice supports the neuroplasticity process taking place in your brain. The chances for a positive outcome are greater if you meditate on a regular basis.
Is there another way?
There are many meditation and mindfulness courses, meetings, and training programs. The main problem is their quality. And the fact that it’s hard to choose the thing that’s going to be right for you. Taking up a meditation style compatible with your lifestyle and with the performance of your brain is crucial. Neuromeditation takes into consideration the knowledge about how our brain operates and how meditation influences its operation. Minazee is the first place in Poland where you can practice neuromeditation. It’s the only place in Poland where the combination of traditional methods and state-of-the-art technology will help you learn how to meditate quicker, safer, and more effectively.